This book of hymns is a modest attempt to collect some of the best congregational songs available in the English language. No hymnal is perfect or adequate on its own. Yet it is our prayer that this modest collection will give honor to the living God and aid His people in singing His praises.
By the Waters of Babylon: Worship in a Post-Christian Culture
How should churches respond to this seismic shift in their relationship with an increasingly post-Christian culture while still following the biblical mandate to reach that culture with the gospel of Jesus Christ?
Worship in Song: A Biblical Approach to Music and Worship
Wars are raging. These are not wars of flesh and blood, but of ideas – ideas about music and its role in life and the Church. Worship in Song attempts to address these important and sometimes controversial issues from a Scriptural foundation.
Sound Worship: A Guide to Making Musical Choices in a Noisy World
This is a book about making musical choices. But not just any choices. This is a book about making musical choices that are deliberately informed by the Word of God. It is about making choices that are discerning, wise, beneficial, and edifying. This book is about making musical choices that will bring glory to God.
The Teacher’s Edition for Sound Worship: A Guide To Making Musical Choices in a Noisy World by Scott Aniol includes the full text of the book, 14,000 additional words of instruction, illustration, explanation, discussion questions, student handouts, and more.